Nidhi Kumbha Samarpane on 07-02-2016
As part of initial offering of funds for renovation works, "Nidhi Kumbha" Samarpane program was held in the forenoon of 07-02-2016. Led by Kshethracharya Brahmashri Delampady Balakrishna Thanthri devotees in large numbers offfered their initial offerings at the feet of Almighty. This was preceded by a "Dharmika Sabhe" in which Brahmashri Kuntar Ravish Thanthri impressed on the people the value of our heritage, need to impart spiritual and moral education to children and the role of temples as centres to develop these values. The meeting was also addressed by Managing Trustee Dr. Kishore Kumar Ubrangala, Jeernodhara Samithi President Dr. U. B. Kunikullaya, General Secretary Mr. Babu Master Agalpady and Treasurer Mr. Ishwar Rao Mailthotty.